Web copywriting, content strategy & information architecture for Gorongosa National Park (Mozambique)

Business challenge

The Carr Foundation is restoring a national park in Mozambique to conserve a unique African ecosystem and alleviate regional poverty. During a redesign of the park’s website, the USA-based non-profit organization hired me to develop a content strategy, write copy and improve the user experience.

What I did
Working with the organization’s farflung employees in the USA and Mozambique, I helped to identify the site’s audiences; articulated the client’s messaging; set up style guides, and established an editorial workflow. I then led a content inventory and wrote or edited most of the copy for the 60+-page site while making significant revisions to the information architecture.

My content strategy shaped the site’s messaging and helped keep the project on schedule. I made important contributions to user experience as content development flushed out questions about the site’s original structure.

During the 3 years after the site launched, it averaged about 100,000 visitors per year, most of whom were from Portugal, the USA, Mozambique and Brazil. They averaged 3.7 pages per visit and 3:22 average time on site per visit (Google Analytics).

Work samples