Now available! Content Pain Relief (CPR)™

Does the writing on your website make you feel drowsy, confused? Do you get headaches when you even think about improving it? Do you experience shortness of breath when you realize that the writing on your competitors’ sites is much more engaging, clear, concise, informative?


You need CONTENT PAIN RELIEF (CPR)™–now, before you lose more site visitors! Use this chart to get started…

CPR Diagnostic Chart

Content Pain


Your copy reads like an impersonal, predictable advertisement, not one side of a friendly, personal conversation… and you haven’t updated it in months (years?)! Read through your entire site—identify copy you need to update or trash, and think of anything new you need to add– then methodically work on editing it all as needed.
Typos, missing words, confusing punctuation, misspellings Again – proof-read the whole site. Then make sure you’re using a common editorial style guide (The Associated Press Stylebook, for example)
Big blocks of text and long sentences that are hard to read, confusing punctuation Edit those sections to allow quick scans of headlines and text; add sub-heads; break text up into tables, bullet lists, shorter paragraphs; use punctuation that’s easier to see on a computer display (e.g. dashes, not colons).
Monotonous, self-absorbed voice weakened by marketing jargon and clichés Think again about who your best customers are and the basic, most valuable things your company is offering them—then write as if you’re having a friendly, open conversation with them about your products and/or services.
Content ‘flow’ (site navigation) doesn’t match site visitors’ actual (sequential) use of the site, doesn’t guide them through the site, help them find the information they need or do what they want to do on your site. Think again about who your most important users are, try to imagine how they use our site – or (much better!) actually watch a few of them use your site and/or review your site’s analytics (Google Analytics, for example) – then adjust your site architecture (structure, navigation) and content organization as needed.
Copy not optimized for search engines (SEO) Identify most popular, least competitive search terms, insert in title tags (most important!), URLs, meta descriptions, headers, anchor link labels, alt tags (images – clickable only). Add links to external sites where appropriate; engage in social media and other online outreach to build legitimate inbound links.
Limited budget for developing and maintaining high-quality Web copy Maximize your bang-for-buck: hire an experienced, reasonably priced Web writer and content strategist.
Don’t know where to begin Call me (305-432-1720) or email me ( to get started!